Whew! I'm alive. Here. Sitting next to a pink monster painting, waiting for the acrylic to dry. I totally have had the "Beauty and The Beast" score stuck in my head for days, odd yes. There's a pile of dishes to be done that I said I would do while paint was drying. There's a random crime show on in the background. Thoughts of the Hills still buzzing in my head (Dude, I can't believe they spilled in the preview that Stephanie goes on a date with Lauren's Doug. And Heidi's sister is so cute! And I'm mad because, why hasn't Heidi punched Spencer yet?) The cold not-summer-like -at-all breeze is flowing through the window.
I'm hoping I won't have to get up at 5 am to go to work early again this week. I hope the sun starts shining, cuz, dude, it's been miserable here. Wanting to execute a million new projects, but haven't a spare moment. Thinking about hot cocoa with little marshmallows floating on top. And new checkered Vans. And a sunny picnic. Wanting to watch some short films on a screen. Obsessed with pink lemonade, and also..I play my playlist all day at work so I'm glad a few of you guys dig it! That's all tonight....back to painting! Soon I can share!...he he. =) Til then, we saw a Dr. Suess exhibit in Victoria and I'm still head over heels in love with it - copper Suess statues, funny taxidermy creatures, prints on paintings...(sigh). He rocks. Horton's my fave:

More soon, friends! Thanks for the kind words, as always! You guys rock and always make me smile...=) I'll be by to say hellos and catch up on blogs soon, I hope! Happy night!
I love Dr. Seuss :) I went to a Grinch themed exhibit in Halifax once, it was really cool. It's Friday soon! (here anyway) Yay!
Haven't had a chance to watch The Hills episode on my DVR yet and its driving me crazy... Its the Olympics they have taken over my life. I am so happy for Kerri & Misty!!!!
I'm with you on the Hills - I was kinda surprised when Audrina finally stood up to Lo. And yeah, Pratt's sister - can we trust her? Did she just mess up or is this malicious? Love that show too much.
Dear michelle: I'm very new to scrapbooking; to tell you the truth I don't really know much about it, but coming from a design related enviroment I think I can pick it up really quick, since I'm used to making collages and moodboards, but the thing is I love your work (absolutely love it) because of all the great materials and effects you use, and I was wondering if you could give me some kind of information about where could I get such awesome materials or tips or classes and shows, things like that, it would be great for me because I think I could explode my creativity and make really cool stuff.
I'm sorry if this comment has been too long, but I was so excited, I found your blog by chance and it is so full of cool stuff that I haven't been able to stop. So just so you know you got yourself a fan.
Well without further a due
Good bye...
I hope I read from you soon
Michelle :)
Gotta love Dr. Seuss!!!
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