As for me..lunch hour is almost over, so a quick post:

And I got my Dozens' kit this weekend...had to play...

Last night Z and I got to go on a date courtesy of birthday money from Mom & Wayne (you guys are the best..thanks!) and we went to see Persepolis animated film for adults. lol...we've been dying to see it and saw it was still playing and finally was awesome: awesome story, awesome animation...awesome. =) I was giggling and almost crying and I loved the designs and everything...super-cool. =)

Also, feeling super-humbled and excited and jittery that I get to continue trying to become a Fashionista...eek! I can't believe all the amazing talent on that list!! Trying to remain calm...the only thing that goes through my mind everytime I get selected for something like this is when I applied to film school, and my admissions advisor asked me if I thought I was a good artist, and when I answered "eer..I dunno...I guess so." She was like, "Great! That means you're probably okay, because chances are if you think you're God's gift to art, you're horrible." lol...weird analogy? It just reminds me to not get too excited and to remember why it is I do these things and just keep plugging away and learning and growing in my art no matter what....=) Anyways, that's all for today! Lots to do this week: some deadlines, some drawing, some painting to do, some Etsy-shop-opening-already to do (lol)....should be fun. =) Happy day everyone, and thanks for stopping by!
Congrats on making the list!! Good luck!! I have faith in you!! Your very talented!!
I just love your new haircut!
Congrats on making it to the next round at SIS! I'm so cheering for you ;) and I get your analogy, it's so true. I've learned to not get my hopes up at an early age. I couldn't bare the dissapointment!
Good Luck!!
Congrats on making it to the next round of Fashionista tryouts. Can't wait to see what that entails!
Oh cool are those Betty Boop cards?! *love* them and the LOs so much.
Glad you enjoyed your night out!! Love the pages!!!
Mom & Wayner
Still have this movie on my list! I have a lot of friends that went to see it and loved it!
Gorgeous layouts - love them!
Congrats and fabulous LO's. Those Betty Boop cards are adorable. You're work is always so inspirational.
Congrats on making the next round! Your work is AWESOME!
Looking forward to your etsy shop! Those los are so beautiful and vibrant. You make me want everything you use (because you use it so cutely). I love all the purples.
That new do is sooo damn sweet! Congrats on making the are rocking now girl! It is such a pleasure to work with you at Scrapmojo!!!
And finally those betty Boop cards are just too sweet, I love them and of course the the layouts!
congrats on making it to the next round!
you are an extremely talented artist and don't doubt yourself for one second.
i love your cards!!!!! congrats on making it to the next round at sis! :)
Congrats on sis!! I know u will get it girlie! You are so super talented! Love the craftyness!
I love your Betty Boop cards...too cute! Congrats on making the next round at SIS! I'm sure you'll make it! :0)
Just wanted to say. I've never been to site and not sure how I got here but sure gald I did. You work is amazing!
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