Also, I realized, with the design team commitments I just made...I'll make at least 100 pages this year, cuz I have to...and I get the stuff to make em, and get to share them in online communities and newletters....which is soo awesome!! I have found the perfect solution for a starving student to be able to afford a cool hobby..=) So happy bout that, cuz I can't afford to scrap, but I get to!! Also, I only made like 10 pages last year...cuz, well...I was drawing lots at school...so 100 is cool! It's actually looking like I may get my baby pictures done one day....I might have to get the other ones from home out here...=) (I just did a page with the new Scrapmuse February kit...that's why I'm thinkin baby pictures..the page turned out so cute but I can't post it for a few weeks...he he...and, for those who don't scrap, you must know that the pile of pictures to be scrapped is always growing faster than the pile that's getting done, so it feels like you'll never get the old pictures done or be "caught up") So, yay! Nuttin else is new. Big school assignment to basically get my flash film ready to animate by Monday, and I work on Saturday, and I will probably get another box of stuff tommorrow, that's due soon, and this other stuff that's due. Yay, motivation! I live for this busy-ness, dudes...I was so caught up in my stuff that I only now realized it's crazy late. =) Awesome.
Oh! and I realized I am way too addicted to lip stuff, ie) chapstick. I noticed this week that I'd been keeping it in the pockets of all my hoodies, cuz there were some dryer incidents...and today when I put my coat on, there was one in that pocket, too. I was like...a) why do i have so many of them? and b) for the 10 minute walk to school, how imperitive is it that I have lipgloss from here to there, so much so to have it in my pocket? Hah. My randomness for the day, there. Anyways, the owner of Bardel (a studio here in town) is coming to talk to us tommorrow, and I should be alive for that, so off to bed I go! happy day!
Have fun - hope the Bardel studio is impressive!! Happy drawing!!
P.S. - Love your scrap page - how true!!
he he...thanks mom!
Love the dialogue especially - life lessons are always so much fun. How was the Bardel studio info sessions
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