And thanks to Katie for this peek of my projects at CHA on the Freehand Scraps Blog! he he....it was funny to see me 'there'...lol. It's also so fun to see peeks from CHA popping up all over! yay!
Annnd...scrap goodies coming from me soon! I have my Dozens' kit and the Paper Minx kit to play with. I got a biiig shipment of shipping supplies for my etsy store today, thinking I would have time to work on that this month (not!)...lol..Z and I are both overwhelmed with projects - he has 3 different projects to animate/test on, and I have designs to finish and draw, projects to finish sewing, kits to use, haircuts to get, etc. etc. before we rush off to Calgary and then the weekend after that, Victoria. Whew!
We did have a good weekend, and we took some minutes off to go for walks in the sun, check out the baby raccoons, watch Batman Begins (we're both dying to see the new Batman! Eeek!) and Charlie Bartlett (so funny!) and eat popcorn...yum! I even went shoes-for-the-wedding shopping! =) Oh, and our walls have been ripped open, I totally jinxed us...and the water's tasted like new plastic pipes and sometimes doesn't get hot for 20 minutes on the hot-as-it-can-go setting. Argh. Having a shower has not been fun! So, that about sums up the world of Michelle for today; I feel like I will be constantly busy until halfway through August...lol...but, you know, fun busy. =) And I can't wait to see my friends and go to Melissa's wedding and hug my family in like, 4 days! Yay! Happy Monday, everyone!
You are WAY more brave than I am. I hate flying, and there is no way in hell someone is getting me on a little bitty float plane! LOL! Glad you had a good time, though. :0)
Happy Monday - we can't wait to see you. Will call you tonight. We were so busy on the weekend - houseful of company both days & nights!!!
Love the pictures!!!
ooo i love the pics, it looks beautiful!
im sorry to hear about your walls and pipes, i hope you get things fixed soon! that would be awful :(
i cant wait to see your new projects! :D
WAOW ! Wonderful pictures !! Michelle, please visit my blog because I have offered you an award ;-) !!! I'm impatient to read you ! Smooches
that is so cool! looks like you guys had a blast. what a fun thing to splurge on. i gotta talk my hubs into doing something like that.
can't wait to see the goodness from the kit ;)
Loved seeing the photos from Tofino. I'm so jealous that you are going to Calgary and Victoria. I went to Victoria & Vancouver when I was 8 or 10 and thought it was just lovely. And I went shoe shopping yeterday. How funny that we did that so close together. :D Sorry to read about your pipes.
Ohhhh girlie how fun!!!! I just looked at your pics on flickr they are beautiful! You are always so busy i dont know of a time when you arent! I hope your water thing gets fixed soon!
Gorgeous photos Michelle:)
*E N J O Y* yourselves!
Michelle I saw your pictures you posted on flickr and left you some comments there. These pictures are so amazing. I envied you...lol... I bet it was an unforgettable experience. Have a nice day.
oh it looks stunning & quiet and perfect. glad you had a great time!
and i got to see your projects up close at cha. love seeing it irl. such details sweets!!
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