Just a quick update today - work is nutty. All the work I haven't had for weeks at work seems to have all come at once! lol...Ah well, what can ya do? I also keep getting few and far between calls for other jobs, which just makes me both thankful and giggly, because they all seem to come at once! lol....I have a permanent layer of fuzz in my nose from sewing soft lovely flannel all night. I was seriously sneezing all night, and then I realized that, "oh, that layer of fuzz all over my table and scrap stuff is probably it"...lol. I have a mile-long to-do list. I *heart* fuji apples. I'm excited to get a new custom painting done for my Etsy shop. I'm dying to scrapbook and draw..=) Must get back to piles of e-mails - and I miss blog rounds, I'll try to come around and say hi soon!
There are some important subscription deets about the Dozens' kits on
the blog, and there are still some
Red Velvet kits left, too if you're interested. And I finally made my first treasury at Etsy yesterday - you can view it
here. I think it turned out pretty fun - for those who don't know, a treasury is a compiled list that an Etsy member makes to feature all the lovely handmade work on the site - you get to be a curator, of sorts. And then, hopefully, it makes it to the front page of Etsy! Whoo! So go click there and help bring up the odds! lol..

Oh! And if anybody who reads is attending CHA, look for mine and hubby's mugs over at the Sassafras Lass booth - they're displaying a few of my pages there! Yay! (We won't be there for real....though I so wish I coudl finally attend a show!) Have you seen Sass's new releases?? Yummy! I also have a few cards up at the Pink Paislee booth, of course! Anyway, if you see any of m projects, would you mind taking pictures if you can? I'm sure I'll find some on the internets...Just, you know, if you happen to see em, please snap and pass the pictures along! he he...=) And have fun!!
Happy day, everyone! Back to work with me...
What a lovely treasury! Congrats on the stuff being displayed at CHA! So exciting! Wish I could attend one too...always seem so far.
And the new Sassafras...oh my, saw it last night. I oohed and ahhed and then the boyfriend was like, "Oh no! Are you buying stuff???". I was like, "No. Not yet, anyway" haha
Hope you're well,
Love your little treasury list! Is that just not the cutest?
I have been catching sneeks of the Sass Lass and have been dying! I cannot wait to see it in person. I am so jealous that you got to play with some already!
I'll definitely have to go peek at the new Sassafrass stuff you are talking about. Sorry you can't make it to this CHA either. I swear that I'll find a way to make it Anaheim next February if you can make it! Canada is already on my next place that I want to go after Europe, but that is quite a while away for me. I always enjoy reading your blog. :)
Hi Michelle:)
I really A D O R E all your treasures in the treasury!! so gorgeous! so you:)
That treasury is so full of yummy stuff! And, the new Sass stuff IS amazing...I do agree!
Hello lovely! I am so so so in love with the new sassafras lass stuff. Goodness me those colourful mushrooms are sooo gorgeous! and the bunny.. eeeeeeeek!!!
Hey, you should start using google reader.. makes it sooo much easier to keep up with blogs, even if you are busy.
I will certainly grab some pics, Michelle!!! :p I'd love to! I can't promise they'll be the best shots, but I'll do the best with what I have. You know I'm a die hard 35mm-er!! :P
i'm super excited to see your new painting!
[ps-i *heart* etsy too.]
Ooo...SO loving all of the Sassafras Lass stuff, too!! I need it all!! Who wouldn't love a woodgrain deer and mushroom, right?? I have some friends at CHA (but I'm not jealous...much) and I'll try to get them to snap some shots of your work. I hope you get some good ones! Oh and I totally cracked up at the thought of you with your nose all stuffed with fuzzies!! Wait...that didn't sound very nice at all, did it??
So if I could speak with you in person I'd say this like a million miles an hour.
So I was reading the blog of the lady that owns the kit club I design for. And she had posted pictures from CHA. And she has pictures of like 3 of your LOs on her blog! Which is funny because I was half tempted to email her and ask her to take pictures of your LOs if possible. But then I decided against it because she probably doesn't drool over your stuff the way I do. But she apparently likes them a lot, because she took pictures of three of them! So her blog is freehandscraps.blogspot.com and I wish I would've gone with so I could see them in person! I bet they're like the most beautiful thing in real life!
[[I'll stop being creepy now!]]
Congrats on the treaury that is so cool! I wish I would have looked better at those two booths, it was so busy but i'm sure your projects were stunning and totaly sold the products! I know we took all sass again but couldn't do the pink :(
Love the blue and yellow. Very pretty treasury!
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