The other day Z and I got some daunting government envelopes in the mail - it was a little scary opening them...I think I mentioned that we applied for Z's permanent residency in Canada a while back (a horrid pile of giant paperwork we worked on for months!) because we're not from the same country, so we had to remedy for us to travel together and, well, live in the same place when we're from the same place. (Me) Not so gung-ho on Bulgaria (I'm sure I would love it, but its kind of scary thinking I may have to move across the world...), we decided Canada was the route to go...annnd...
We got approved through the first stage!!
Woot! Which means I got a letter saying I am financially stable enough to sponsor him and he got a physical work visa in the mail, too! Eeek! So not only are we not up and moving to Bulgaria, but he can work and earn money here now, too!
Yay!! Seriously..such a big weight off our shoulders! And way sooner than we expected! We ran out and had martinis and bounced around laughing and smiling all night, like this:

And, the end is riiiiight around the corner for me....
I am so very sleepy and my eyes are redder than red today cuz I was up so late...
I worked til the wee hours and it payed off...cuz I am finally done!
Whew. Well, okay..'done' meaning I have one small fix, and then a night of rendering the final file out, rounding up all the files I worked on, and waiting hours and hours for them to send. But, luckily, one can sleep while files are sending. Ahh...
Omigosh, I am sooo happy! There are tequila shots in order...if I can manage to drag myself anywhere later, that is. I have a feeling I'll pass out soon after I get home. Sleep is needed, and I'll have to wean myself off of 7 coffees a day. hah. Anyway, I'm at the studio fighting to keep my eyes open and working on some test effects...=)
Oh, happy day! I hope everyone is well! I'll be by to catch up and say hi soon!
Lucky for you - I got something in the CPA's bill. Whoopee!
That's great news!!! Congrats! I know the feeling (been there done that).
BTW: I love your stuff. I always get excited when I see new things from you in Flickr or SIS. From your work I was introduce to SIS, what fun it's been!!! Thanks :D
That is soooo awesome girl- congratulations!!! Being in a bi-national marriage I know exactly what this means!!!
Congrats girlie - as we said the other night when we talked to you. We are excited for you both.
This will open so many doors for Z!!!
Love you both
That is totally awesome!! CONGRATS!
congrats!!i am very happy for you!
leila from france!!
Wow that's wonderful news! I'm so glad that everything worked out for you both. And yay that Z can work now! I hope you get to sleep lots tonight. Shot glasses can wait until tomorrow night when everything is officially done I'm sure. ;) Thrilled for you.
yay, this is great news! Congratulations. :o)
The day Z held that work authorization in his hands was probably the 2nd happiest day of his life. (The 1st being the day he married you, naturally.) I know it was for my husband. I am so so so very happy for you guys. Permanent Residence is like a whole new worry-free world of opportunities.
yaa for finishing your project!!
Woot Woot!! Congrats on finishing the project .. and also for Z and stage 1!!! I know how silly the government can be (I have a friend going through the same thing) but I'm really glad its all working out!! :]
Great for you two!! We'll have to go through this as well some day!
I love your blog. Discovered it not long ago and since then, I regularly come visit!! :) Love all those little sweet and colorful things you make!!
Could you tell me how you made your "3 coloumns" layout? And how did you do to have the little pictures on bot sides of your blog, the ones where you have all yours links?! It looks very awesome. I would like to do the same on my blog.
Thanks for the answer,
Marie (from Switzerland and Canada...)
YAY for you and Z! What a wonderful together!
so so happy for you guys!!!!
such fantastic news!! we're work visa here and currently going through Pr so we totally understand :)
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