Whee!! Who's excited? Me! Me!
We're both excited! Tzanko and I have never been anywhere on a 'holiday' before - can you believe that? I mean, we've been to Calgary and such - but it's always go go go...and I know not everybody gets to travel often...so it's really not so bad. But, as my mom said, we deserve it! "It's been a busy year and a half"...lol. It has, dude! We are in dire need of a break. We are flying out to Tofino tomorrow via float plane..how cool is that?

Speaking of needing a break - I went shoe shopping yesterday and left my shopping bag of brand new shoes in another store! Ohmyword...My lovely checkered Vans would have been long gone had I not raced back to one of 5 shoes stores I stopped in to find them Whew! I thought I lost my sunglasses, too, and they ended up being in the bottom of my bottomless pit purse....Absentminded, much? lol..
I still have lots to do tonight, of course...which will make the break seem that much sweeter - gotta throw some packing and things in a backpack, clean house, finish up some last minute due-when-I-get-back projects...I was up til 2 yesterday finishing most of them..whew! Laundry. Dishes. Blah! Glad time will not matter this weekend. =)
Anyway, happy long weekend to you and yours! =)
See you on the flipside...
Have a wonderful vacation! Cannot wait to see pics.
Hope you have a wonderful holiday!
Didn't you know, checkered Vans have a tracking device built in so that once purchased they are always retrievable by their owner? It's a fact.
Another fact: all the girls in my wedding wore turquoise/red printed Vans with their dresses. It was a rather bi-polar wedding since we didn't even try to reconcile his uber-European style with my bohemian roots. Mwahahaha, just let it flow.
Have a super awesome vacation!!
Know you guys will have a wonderful time - and can't wait to see all the pictures!!
Have a *wonderful* getaway!! It's much needed and I'm sure you will come back super refreshed!
Oh, and I found skull vans on ebay and took them for a spin to see nofx =)
ahhhh... so jealous!!
have a happy holiday!!
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