Dun, dun, dun...

Z was a little astonished by my, umm, use of bright color...lol...but I can't help it! Bright = Happy! =) I think it'd be perfect for a fun craft room or kid's room/playroom. Anyways, it's up for sale here at Bubbly Shnooks. Til it goes, I'll just have to resist hanging it up on my own wall...lol...I also fixed a bunch of shipping prices that had been over-quoted to me via the internet, so the shipping on these little donuts went down by like 200% and I also fixed Lola's pictures so she looks cuter, now.
Yay, art! I was sort-of feeling too stifled by my small craft space yesterday, so I went through and cleaned and sorted and organized and now my desk is spotless....it must be a spring-cleaning vibe I'm getting, because doing that made me want to go through the entire house and get rid of things and donate old clothes and all that craziness, which I'm not about to do just yet...but soon! It always feels so good to take a load out of this teensy apartment! =) So no new scrappiness...I haven't scrappped in a while, it's weird...waiting on some happy mail to get me excited about it!
I'm dying to see Sweeney Todd, can't believe I haven't seen ityet!! I'm hoping it'll be at our cheap theatre this Friday...what else? Oh! There was a crazy freak hailstorm here yesterday and some super-loud thunder! I haven't seen it hail here, so it was weird! Anyways, Off to do my first official freelance job, yay! Hope everyone's day is great! =) Thanks for stopping by!
Oh Michelle, that is absolutely gorgeous!! wow! I looooove those colours! I want to do something similar now, but I don't think I would know how. wow, I am so inspired by your work! so beautiful.
yay! for freelance work and yay! for your new painting and yay! for seeing sweeney todd because dude. that rocked.
That is soooo adorable! Man you have more talent in ur little pinkie then i have in my whole body! Yay for spring cleaning! I love happy mail! I wonder what it is....I CANT believe you havent seen sweeney todd either! OMG it was sooo good I heart that movie to no end. The cinematography was wonderful! The singing/songs were ace and the actors i mean helena and Johnny! Phenomenal. You couldnt expect any less from Tim burton.
ooh I love it!! Its so bright and happy :)
OMG that painting is beyond amazing!!! You know i love it!
Barb is SOOOOO lucky!!!
I adore that little monster painting!!
I'm having a spring cleaning/decorating vibe too.. don't know what's up with that since I have NO space to do any of my ideas, lol.
Sweeney Todd is just .... oh my just amazing. You will not be able to look at ground meat properly for awhile, but it's so worth it! Love that movie!
Ok, I wish I could commission you to come paint murals all over my bedroom walls. Love the colors and the character!
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