Okay, so I'm a little late....but Happy Easter to everyone! I'm not so religious myself, but I do love to celebrate the chocolate North-American invented version of Easter...=) yum! Also, have to say..I am totally missing my family this weekend....they all had Easter dinner at my grandma's, and Z and I are the only ones who live far away...*sniff*...But it turned out okay cuz the Easter bunny stopped by my house and left me little chocolate eggs all over...yay! I have the best hubby...eerr...Easter bunny ever! Speaking of, Z shaved off all of his hair the other day..I'm still getting used to no moustache! We did a lot of lounging like this yesterday...

And Z found a lovely old suitcase (which I always swoon over in antique stores) behind our building so we adopted it....the label on the top says it's a ladies trunk from 1965...=) lovely! We have nowhere to put it, though....lol...seriously. Not a spare inch...so we might just put it back outside after we've loved it for a few days..hopefully we can squish it somewhere!!

I didn't do much scrapping this weekend...well, I did finish up some quick things I can't post just yet....so excited for my kits to come so I can play!! =) But it's been nice, taking a lil break...I got some sewing done yesterday, so there will be another polaroid up for sale soon, too! They're so fun to make...=) I did get this little custom order card finished up yesterday:

And I was asked by Elle to do a cute little
Year-in-Review mini book for
Elle's Studio using her new chipboard albums...check em out!! They are sooo cute and little! I covered the back and front of each page, and so far January, February and March are done...just a few pictures from each month and the happy times I want to remember from them...=)

Stay tuned for how I aged the chipboard....and if you haven't signed up for
Elle's newsletter, you should!! he he...=) So fun!
Thanks for bearing with the multi-picture post if you're still reading...lol...I also wanted to thank the lovely Amy over at
The Peach Tree for
featuring my lil Etsy, Bubbly Shnooks, on her blog yesterday! She sent me the funnest questionnaire, she rocks!! =) Go show her some love and also take a peek at the fun shops she has linked up!! yay, Etsy! I am seriously an addict...lol
Whew! This weekend just flew by...today Z and I took advantage of the sunny day and spent a good hour or two walking around with our feet in the surf, poking at clam shells and crab bits and loving the sunny day!! Hope everyone had a fab weekend!! Who's excited about the Hills premiere? Anyone? An hour and 20 minutes til I'm in Hills heaven...whee!
The album and card are both fabulous ... love them!
Happy Chocolate Egg Weekend to you too! We are also non-religious, but lovveee all chocolatey aspects of Easter weekend :)
Wow, you have to be one of the most amazing scrapbookers I've ever found :P I don't want you to look at my scrapbooks :P
Love the mini album - you are doing a great job. Also, love - love - love the suitcase. So if you and Z can't find a home for it, tuck it under the bed and please drop it at our house when you come in the summer. I will keep it safe until you have a bigger home!! hee hee
Absolutely love it!!
Mom (are you surprised)
I love all your scrappy goodness! And what you did with the Elle's Studio goodies...YUM! Sounds like you had a wonderful Easter! We did too. So bummed that I missed The Hills last night. I don't know what I was doing...I totally forgot to watch. I'll have to check it out online tonight.
I love that mini chipboard year in reveiw!!!! What a great idea and you rocked like you always do!!!
Happy Easter to you too!!
Have a wonderful week!!
Cassandra West
well, Happy Easter to you too!
love those chocolate eggs, yum!
I love the mini! when I saw it on Flickr, I was like... what in the world did she do to the chipboard?? It rocks!
Z is lookin hot in that photo lol! Love the old suitcase and if u cant find a place for it send it my way! LOL! Your card is cute and that book is rockin!
you already know i love your mini but that card! OMG. so cute!
ahhhh that trunk is the best.
seriously if u dont keep it that is so sad, those are worth SO MUCH here at the antique shops, so much that i cringe at the thought of you throwing it out and notmaking room!
i saw a "gentlemans" version on antiques road show once, not sure if u seen that show but it was worth a stack!
i looove ur work, but you know this.
i have a package going postal shortly for the kittyrobot buttons, i know its been said before but things are flat out here.
the luggage is too cool! I love that green color. and ofcourse your lovely little mini is fantastic!
The Hills was so good but Heidi's face is starting to bug me. too much plastic surgery!!
That mini book is so awesome!!! Love all the tabs and knick-knacky things on/in it!
I too am non-religious, but dig the choccy! Bad girl me!
Love that old suitcase, I am drooling while I type!
Scrappge of course is heaven, man you totally rock the supplies!
I saw this post before. I can't believe I didn't comment. The Elle's book is beautiful, as always! You always make me want everything you use! I suppose thats the idea from Elle's perspective. :D Love the picture of Z. Happy belated Easter.
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