.....whew! Day 12 of the 12 days of crafts, man. And I have officially posted all the stuffs I made for presents and such over the holidays. =) Looks like I was busy, huh? In fact...I haven't made anything in....um, a week? And I'm dying over here! Gotta make something tonight or I may go nutty....
So...I made these 2 lil love birdies before the holiday and then had made too much and now they are lonely! They need a good home. =) So all you gotta do is leave a comment. Or a question for me. Or whatever. =) If you've been lurking, say hi so I can go check out your blog!! But I'm picking a winner tommorrow...so you only have today and tonight to post!

I like em =) They're fraying and beautifully imperfect...he he. I loved the shot of the feet:

Last night we had chocolatey chocolate cake with chocolate icing for supper (yum!) and then went out to the movie. Oh. my. god. When I was 16, I so wished I was as sarcastically witty as Juno. I still do, but seriously. She rocked my world. The movie may be one of my most favorite ones
ever!! And the new haircut:

The mirror did a weird double thing on the last shot, but I like it....And I took them cuz all of Z's pictures ended up like this:

Which I happen to love. The blurriness. The composition. Weird, I know..I always like the shots most people would throw away....lol...
And I so wish my Etsy shop is ready to launch today..but alas, it's not. stay tuned! Maybe by the weekend...I have a few deadlines to finish up before i get to it. Also have some cool pictures to post that Z took of the tatts over the weekend...
Anyways, don't forget to say hi to win some birdies!
Happy day =)
Your little birdies are so darn cute!!! Love them!! Great haircut too!!! Thanks for sharing!!
Yay, I am first does that mean I win one of those cutey lil birdies!
I love the new do' Michelle, it is gorgeous and I too love the blurry shot. I have one of Oh that is blurry but it is one of my faves ones!
Glad you had a nice Birthday!
My question to you................Where do you get your inspo' from for scrapping?
ohmygosh is he cute!! i love it & i love your talent!
I only *wish* i could add as much color & dimension in my pages-so inspiring!
I have a question for you-
how do you decide what you're going use on a page? do you let it just come to you (pick whatever you want) or just go with it?! you seem to have so many fun goodies..I would get overwhelmed! LOL
First, Happy Birthday, again. Second the new doo ROCKS. And third, those are the cutest birds EVAH!!!! I <3 your blog girlie!!
you don't have to enter me for the givaway, but wanted to come see what you made... they are adorable! Very cute.
Okay so you totally lured me in from SIS for the RAK, but I'll be stopping back...your felty goodness is great and yes that owl would look perfect in my new baby's room:) Sonja
I love all your crafty stuff!! You are way good with all that felt. How long have you been making stuff like that?
Hi Michelle..love your new hair cut...;-)
Shaaaa BANG!! look at your new do!! How cool is that haircut Michelle! Love it!
Glad you had a wonderful night, really wanna see Juno now lol
And oh my the birdie is super cute!
I don't know what's cuter . . . the little owlies -- or your hairstyle!! Stinkin' cute, the both of you!!! :)-Leslie
Linked over to your blog from SIS! Cute little birdies! I love your crafty inspiration here and I added you to my faves! :)
oooh Michelle. Those birdies are the cutest.
And that is some awesome new hair you got there. :D
glad your birthday was awesome.
congrats on the etsy shop venture.
can't wait to check it out!
so, here is a question for you. how did you get your mad felt skills. Also, if you ever teach a class, please sign me up.
Happy belated birthday! I have been checking out your blog for a while now and I love your work. I found you through scrapmojo. Your handmade goodies are awesome too.
I just have one question...the journaling on you layouts...is it stamped, a font, handwritten, or rub ons. I love it.
OMG those owls are absolutly adorable, my parrots would love them! LOL. You wouldn't be the only one keeping that photo, it's a great photo. I like to keep the not-so-perfect ones too!
You could always scrap it about how kissing him puts you in a daze or something sweet like that!
Your hair looks great!
And the birdies are to cute! Wonder if they could fly over the ocean ;-)?
The hair looks delish as well as the little birdies!
Those littel birdies are adorable. Love the haircut too. And happy belated bday.
you are the coolest!! ;)) love your stuff, girl and the new haircut and of course the blurry shot!! have a good one!! :))
allhi.. i love wathever you do and i love your blog and those birdies. they are gorgeous!!!!! can't wait for you to check out my blog... hope you vivit than more often!!
servus anne
I LOVE your little birdies Michelle! They are SOO CUTE!
Are you going to have some DOH-nuts on your ETSY site? I sure hope so 'cause I REALLY want some of those! You know, all you need is the little take out boxes to package them in and it'd be PERFECT!
You're lookin' good girl. Did you color your hair too? It looks darker in the pics. Which btw I love.
*fingers crossed I luck out & get a birdie*
Your little birds are just so cute.
They would have a fab home here. I'd look after them well and post you pics of what they're up to...you know going to see the sights in London etc!!!
So please please pick meeeeeee
oh my gossssshhhhhh those birdies are cute!!! i'm totally adding your link to my blog because anyone that can make adorable birdies like that is stalker-worthy. heeee!
Hey girl, love those cute little birdies!!!
I just love your stuff! :)
Big hi from Vancouver Island!!!
super cute haircut!!! i LOVE it!!! and those birdys...soooo stinkin' adorable!!! you are too cute!!!
later. jenn :)
I love the birds!!! Great new hair cut!! It looks wonderful on you!!! Your so cute!!! I love the bluriness to your last photo too...it just makes it so soft and sweet!!
I'm so glad you liked Juno! I put it in my top ten all-time favorites -- that says a lot, because I usually need to see the film more than once to give it that honor. :)
Your birds are so cute...love their little feet! I can't wait to see what goodness your etsy holds! (Oh, and fabulous hair, btw!)
Those birds are so frickin' cute! I am loving all of your stuff!
I LOVE those birds! And am loving all of your other crafty goodness!
Those birdies are too cute! Thanks for sharing!
those birdies are adorable! i'd love to give them a home.
Awww! The little birdies are my faves of all! I LOVE them. :0) And, your new haircut is fab! Very cute. So jealous that you got to see Juno. That will be on the TOPS of my Netflix list when it comes out on DVD!
Birdies are adorable. The haircut looks great! I need to get one before CHA. Thanks for the extra push. I adore Z's pictures too. Very carefree. Crazy how many comments you get when a RAK is involved. Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday.
Hi Michelle!
Your owls are so very cute & happy birthday (again).
From Kristy
Love that little birdie! I just discovered your blog...I may visit often!
ACK! The textures remind me of an old man...like it's a Grandpa Owl! Your hair is adorable! I wish my hair was long again. I'm glad you had a great Birthday!!
Wow! You certainly were busy! Those little birdies are definately pretty sweet :o)
Loving the hair cut too xxx
LOOOOOVE this owl you made...adorable! I collect owls and I have them in my game room in the basement! My question is... Do you have a favorite blog or scrapper that you look at all the time that gives you mucho inspiration?
What? We're birthday twins! Fabulous!!
Hope you had a killer birthday. I'm sad it's over. hehe.
These are adorable! If they want to live here, I'd let them stay on a line of string just like in "for the birds" :}
I found your blog the other day. I bookmarked it to view it often.
You are so creative. The birds, along with all of the other 11 days of crafts, are fabulous. Do you have patterns that you follow?
Keep up the great job.
DUDE! All the new stuf popping up at flickr are WAY TOO CUTE! love getting updates when you post something new. and the new haircut.....{{insert whistle here}} WOW!
Hi Michelle! Love your work! You are so darn creative! Those birdies are just too cute! You inpsire me so much! Love the new do, too! ;) Have a great day!
I am so linking to your blog...Very cool little guys. Nice craftsmanship!
OMG They're so cute! Pick me pick me!! :)
I love the owl!! Dang girl 44 comments! You rock! Love the pics u are sooo purty!
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