....Hello!! It's Wednesday - hump day...this week is flying by waaaaay too fast! I have a ton of portfolio things to do still; the art blog, the demo reel, the portfolio update, the resume...a few scrappy deadlines fast approaching...a ton of little things I've been neglecting, and laundry and dishes covering the kitchen, too...eeek! Z has come down with a cold...and a few people at work are sick..and I've had wicked headaches for the past few days...so I'm not too excited about an impending cold..argh! My
LSS page is almost almost almost done...I have to journal and take a picture of it when I get home and then have fun posting on Flickr...and, hmm...that's all that's on my plate..lol..hoping to get everything done by Monday, cuz then I'll have only 3 weeks of job left...(sigh) Not complaining, though...just super-busy, as usual...anyways, Mandy also sent me these pics from when Melissa and her visited me back in, umm..May? lol..I thought the ones of us at the Capilano suspension Bridge were cute, so here's a couple:

...ahh!! wish me fast to-do-list doing! =) Happy day!
HEY GIRLY.....it got that cold too....i got to see mitch yesterday and tonight.....i might to get you those photos way back when but you know how life is things just get in the way...but you are right I LOVE the one of us that the bridge....it is shells b-day tomorrow so we are all going out to dinner tomorrow isn't good cause 3 of the people work so we are doing it today....ttyl.....
Dang you are a busy girl! IM sorry!! Hope it gets done fastly! LOL! :)
Good luck with getting it all done. I'm feeling it too. :)
Take some airbourne, it really works!
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