My very well-worn feet, that's how...and now I apologize to people who don't like feet...=)
This is my Photo-of-the-Day from yesterday (the prompt was transportation); Scrapmuse turned three years old this month, so Susan is hosting a photo-of-the-day challenge all month....go check it out!! And that's just one of the goodies up on the message boards right now; there's going to be weekly challenges, each week there's a winner of a $35 prize pack, and then a grand prize winner gets a 3 month sub to the kit! sweeet deal...plus, it's National Scrapbooking Day (yes, this exists, guys..it has a for a few years) on May 5, so there's chats and sales and all that fun stuff....
...so I'm gonna try to keep up with the photo-a-day thing...get used to my camera agin (cuz there's only 9 weeks til I leave for Paris) and also fool around with Photoshop cuz I still know barely anything about it...he he...
What else is new? I finally worked out last night...I've been meaning to since like december, but then life got in the way....funny thing, though...working out gives you more energy, but when you don't work out you have no energy to get motivated to work out...so it's stupidly harder to get it started again...(sigh)
Oh! and have you seen that Martha Stewart article?? Calling us scrapbooker's "dowdy"? It's all over the net, some dude in New York wrote it about how Martha Stewart is going to bring new life to the scrapbooking industry with her new products...ha ha...everyone was kind of offended on other message boards...but it made me laugh, frankly...cuz now buddy looks stupid for not knowing anything about the industry, he has a million angry ladies mad at him, and of all people, isn't Martha Stewart quite dowdy herself?? I liked it...and really, I think her stuff is nothing too special...I never have been much of a Martha fan. That's all for today....still catchin up at work...dying to make some art...=) happy day!
Ooh I have a butterfly on my foot too - in exactly the same place as you! :o)
Hope the feet hold out!! hee hee
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