I've had the instrumental version of the theme song stuck in my head all day, and that's cool. And, also, I brought my little spongebob's to work, but they're not cool, sound-making spongebob's. So one of the animation directors let me play with his spongebob's, which sing. =)
Oh, happy morning.
All the good stuff right now;
Blasting Ac/Dc
Eating coffee beans/chocolate chips
Scrapbooking/Getting ready for some early St.Patty's drinking
Did I mention my job rocks? And that animation rocks? And that it is maybe one of the only jobs where you can come in whenever you want, drink beer on Friday afternoon, and play video games? Not much in the name of workplaces can beat that.
Oh!!! And the film is almost, almost, almost up on what will soon be my art blog. Almost, promise. By Monday night for sure it will be up there. I'm still working all weekend and have a distracting guy in my life now...he he...but for sure, by Monday. =) Also, just realized that I don't have a day off til April, and also am already making plans that day to go antique shopping on Main Street (cuz I've found out that there are a billion antique stores there, and not the trendy, expensive, Granville Street "antique" stores. I just want to see some. And ooh and ahh. Cuz old stuff rocks). And with that, I'm out!! I'll be posting my March Scrapmuse kit projects here in a few days, too. Yay!! Happy night!
Hope you guys had a fun night!!! So no more working 9 to 5!! hee hee
Eating coffee beans? Yuck. :P Don't they taste like ass? ^_~
Hey, speaking of all this Scrapmuse stuff...I'm not sure if you've heard of her or not, but check this out:
Megan is a professional illustrator, and 'paper sculptor' extraordinaire. Her site is good, but her blog is GREAT. I found her off of Cartoon Brew.
Check it out, if you've got the time. :D
Don't work yourself too hard!
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