Sunday, November 19, 2006

Busy, busy...

(sigh)...I feel like I've been such a slacker this weekend..(sigh)...well, hardly a slacker, more like...a well-deserved break has been taken. I was planning on being at school well into tommorrow morning...but I know that between now and Christmas, I will not be able to sleep for more than 3 hours a night....(film to finish, film to clean, film to inbetween, film to paint, credits to do/figure out, and backgrounds to paper)...and I had some work and some color stuff to do here this i did work, just not half as much as I needed to...Cept now I feel all relaxed and like it'll be easier to stay up all week and get this rough animation done and my film half clean....that's the goal for a week from now. Busy, busy...oh! I started making some stuff for that design team I'm trying out for...scoping out the competition and researching the company and getting walnut ink all over my hands (the stuff is brown...doesn't look so hot when stained all over my hands)...feelin pretty good about the contest, unless they don't like my artsy, detailed style...I should be in the runnin...I figure, it's good that i think I'm only gonna do okay, cuz in that last contest I thought I wouldn't make it half as far as I this is a good thing...he he....I'm not a fan of arrogance, anyway; if you think you're awesome at something, odds are you're a lot worse at it than you think...soo...been hangin in my J's all weekend bein it...avoided the crazy wind and rain this morning, but got soaked carrying my way-too-heavy groceries home before that avoidance...and have been listening/watching sex and the city all day...I swear, like 3 seasons....lotsa good quotes in that show, man. =) Also, dying to get some mail..i had to order this companies stuff for the design team try-out...and I totally love getting mail!! Specially paper mail..=) Happy night!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you are well rested - I sent you some pictures this morning but will have to try and send them thru my work email, since my home one only allows me to send 2 at a time - it could take forever. Have a great week!!! I checked out the website for those light tables and am going to make a trip over there this week, they are only about 20 blocks away from my work - how exciting!!!