Sunday, October 15, 2006


another gripe of mine; when people (especially people in retail) say, "hi, how are you today?" and then don't listen to your response, and/or don't respond when you ask them in return, thus confirming that they don't really care how you are at all, it's just a part of their job and they have to say it. lol..argh!!! I mean, why ask if you don't care?? lol...silly people. I really don't have that many pet peeves, it's just..the lady at Winners today was totally like that, and it made me laugh cuz she wasn't listening at all even though she asked me a question.


Anonymous said...

Retail - so much fun!! Your flight is booked - itinerary is emailed to you. How is Mandelin!!!

Michelle said...

mandy is good...she's gonna call you!! =) thanks for the flight!!! =) i got the times and stuff...=) can't wait til you visit!

Anonymous said...

Cannot wait to see you either!! It will be a busy 2 weeks!!