Admiring the sunset: it's still kind of summer, but the days are getting, on the rare occasion I am at home and not at school come sundown, it's so nice to see...especially cuz I have a feeling I won't see the light of day much during final film! This is the view from my balcony..

Last Friday, Robert Valley came into our life drawing class and showed us his unique life-drawing style; as animators, we're usually very concerned with the structure underneath the drawings, so's that we can rotate them and move em around, but he draws the silhouette, and does lotsa smudging/dragging where the light sources are...sooo....I had fun all class drawing in a totally new way...the drawings aren't done, so they look, well...not done..but I thought they were decent, considering the circumstances...and there are nipples missing on one of em...looks

Annnnd...i scrapbooked on Sunday night....well, more of an art journal page...even though i told myself I would not, that I had no time to...but I had to be creative..I mean, I draw everyday, but I had to be a different kinda creative..and the lines just popped into my head, so I had to get it down...An art journal is just that; a journal...but prettier...usually not as pretty as regular scrapbooking..but ya get to mess around and do whatever you feel like doing...So I spray painted. I am addicted to that using that stuff lately:

Annnd...I got a cute lil care package in the mail from my bestest grrl, Mandy...whom I've known officially for 10 years now...which is the longest I've ever known anybody i'm not related to...yay!....and, after hurting all day, I've decided my back hurts so much in one place that it is affecting my drawing I have to go see a chiropractor....before I become a cripple during final film. that's all...=) Off to work on some film stuff...(ahhh!)
Looks great girl!!!!
thanks mum..=)
Well I'm glad to hear you FINALLY had some fun in a drawing class after the absolute misery that Adam guy puts you through ; )
Congratulations on the chiropractor decision - you realize that one is not a complete artist until they can say " I got this great idea yesterday, while I was in my chiropractor's office..."
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