And so, why not get a giant ugly tatoo of it on her chest?? lol...And who the hell has a grilled cheese sandwich as a regular breakfast everyday? And then keeps the sandwich in a plastic box full of cotton balls (see above) for more than ten years?? My god...I mean, there are days when I feel kinda like an oddball, but this...this just puts it all into perspective...ha ha. Oh, and Mandy...if ya read this....I started thinking that maybe I want 2 tatoos when we go in December...lol...(Lisa would agree with me here; 2 at once is cheaper!! lol...) I was trying to think of a design today...anyways, just thought I'd make everyone feel just a little bit more normal by sharing one of the crazies out there...=) Night!
ahh always the crazies!!! and of course, 2 is a much better deal than one!! we should go again....
That is so funny.
akk! no! lol...well, I wanna, but at the rate I'm goin I'll have no room left by the time I'm 40...lol...I think mandy and I are gonna get something done in December...I think i have an idea, but now i want more than 1 when we go then...lol...they are soooo addicting!! argh...
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