Friday, July 28, 2006


Girly romantic comedies!
Blankie time on my couch..

the calm before the storm?

Ahhh...having a relaxing night at home, still trying to get rid of my cold for the big workload ahead; lotsa looming deadlines and more will be piled on soon! Not stressed, just.....overwhelmed? I don't know where to start, there is so much stuff to finish! It isn't helping that I am really tempted to overhaul the look of my blog already..ha ha..I've been messing around with the settings and...I'll have to take a day later on to, as my class would say, make it a little more "emo", brooding..artistic, you could say. It's a little too...premade for me right now. he he..But no! I will not do it this weekend, too much other stuff to do. No. Will not procrastinate with silly tasks. Which I always end up doing. But I won't. Oh! Saw a guy getting arrested for DUI outside of my apartment today while trying to convince my mom that it really is safe downtown where i am. ha ha...I feel fine up here on my 15th floor. =) So I will chill tonight, cuz I know sleep will be a precious thing this week...(sigh)


Anonymous said...

Fess up... where did the pizza come from???

Michelle said...


Like you didn't know..he he..=p

Anonymous said...

Ha ha yeah that's what i thought.... you know better!!!

Michelle said...

hey!! I thought it was okay now...!?

Anonymous said...

yeah it's kinda okay till november, then you're gonna have to support the family again!!!