-Yay! No longer does the epson printer blink at me incessantly while I draw right next to it! And we got a free ink cartridge from them - hubby rocks, he totally called them at 7 in the morning just for me. :)
- I always fall asleep on my tummy. Always.
- I am fond of e.e cummings solely for the fact of all-lowercase, not to mention them spiffy poems. i am banning capital letters in this post in honor. Eh, okay...it'll drive me nuts, I just can't do it!
-Did you know Madonna directs movies, too? Yeah..I'm not a fan of Madonna, but we're going to check her film out tonight at the VIFF - thats the Vancouver international Film Festival. My right hand is thanking me cuz its been busy creating stuff all week!
- Work is d e a d today, so I get to look into wholesaling info as I refresh my page waiting for new scenes and am also playing with the giant website ideas spinning around in my head - no longer will I ever look twice at a cool website, knowing how tough they are to piece together!
- Yes, I am moving to Typepad very soon. I'm currently building and modifying 50 pages of html. Hah. There will be a homepage. a blog. a shop. You name it - all under one roof! Right now I'm all over the place with my internet self and it feels so scattered - totally not good right before searching-for-a-job, here's-my-professional-looking-portfolio time! Not to mention, this blog is driving me crazy with its need-an-update sidebars and such. Oy - soon! (Stay tuned, cuz of course I'll link you guys up! It may be yet a few weeks/months down the road)
- Physio is magical, the wrist is almost good as new!
- I *heart* the Brokeback mountain instrumental score. (sigh)
Dude, I've literally been up til 2 am every night happily making stuff...I am crazy behind on everything, despite: Summer vacation photos need posting, yes...e-mails need responding...shop needs putting-together-for-Christmas-ing....its never-ending. This weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving, though, so maybe my list will have things checked off of it very soon over our three days off! lol..it better!
For now, a Pink Paislee page to share:

Annnd...I'm outtie! :) Happy day, everyone!
my goodness girl you make my head spin with so much stuff u have to do! I hope you get caught up too and happy canadian thanksgiving to you! Hehehehe! Cool page!
your pages are always so awesome! and i can't wait for your shop and stuff!
i thought you might be interested in this:
[not like you aren't already busy enough, right?]
Happy Thanksgiving girl! thanks for coming by my blog, always makes my day! Uber cute layout - will you ever produce one that isnt? Hahaha
So great to hear from you. Wine is delicious in Italy. I'm heading to London today so maybe tonight! I have missed reading your blogs terribly. Everything looks so pretty from a quick scroll. Happy Thanksgiving!
That is a B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L layout!!
Happy Friday!
That is a gorgeous layout!!
ee cummings is my fave! and I always sleep on my tummy too. Love the layout :)
way cute page! love your blog-- great inspiration! have fun with all your late nights... there is nothing better than getting caught up in creativity!
lovely lovely page!
and yeah, I agree with Marie, my head is spinning after reading all your plans and things! I don't know how you do all you do!
i ABSOLUTELY love this layout! hmm...you make me tired just reading about your schedule..LOL!
this layout is just awesome. The greens,blues and browns compliment the photos so beautifully.
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