Calgary was full of hugs and family and friends happily married and bubbles and sun and delicious home-cooked food and little boys and girls and getting prettied up and not enough time there. Will be back soon with a scrapping/drawing/making stuff/relaxing vengeance. Still have a cough, am wading myself out of work-work as well as freelance stuff; I get to draw tonight and chill in a busy kinda way (meaning, fun work!)....going to see Batman tomorrow and I am so, soooo excited I probably won't sleep tonight! he he...=) Hoping for some fun Etsy goodies and scrap goodies in the mail today, and I'm super-excited to be going to Victoria to visit my cousin this weekend...why can't it be summer always? (sigh) Feeling good and rested and like I can take it all on. Z is super-busy, too...which doesn't make me feel so bad for being my usual workaholic self. (Maybe one day I'll grow out of it...?) More soon!
I leave you with some Edward Gorey inspiration:
If you haven't heard of him, go check him out! I found his stories first a few years ago and was blown away by the happy rhyming morbid tales, the insanely detailed pen and ink drawings, the is a little disturbing in a funny kind of way (I think) as one of the books, "The Ghastlycrumb Tinies" is all about childrens' misfortunes from A to Z, but they seriously rock. "The Doubtful Guest" is my favorite, the drawings just crack me up - so random! Really funny...and if you're not into R-rated black and white stories or unhappy children, you have to at least check out his drawing skills....(sigh). In the vein of Tim Burton, I love it! Happy day, guys! Hope all is well! =)

I was wondering where you have been!!! =)
OMG, Michelle I'm right now getting ready to go to the movies with my son to see the Batman movie. My hubby went to see it with my son already and just motivated me to go before this weekend because is sooooo cool and they say it's so intense and the story line is super super cool! lol. Just stopped by my blog and my favorite blogs before leaving to the movies. lol. I hope you feel better and take it easy with all that work. ;-)
oooh he has great drawings!! Wickedly cool details:)
Sounds like you have had such a wonderful time visiting friends and fam:) *A W E S O M E* and welcome back:)
how funny, i was just reminiscing about him the other day. i have the gashlycrumb tinies, i bought it years ago. i think he's HILARIOUS. yesterday a coworker choked on a peach and i sent her a link to that page just in unison...she nearly choked again with laughter. have a happy wednesday!!
aimee (who fell down the stairs)
Isn't it awesome that the doubtful guest's shoes look like allstars? :] I've been obsessed with Gorey for the past 6 years. A man after my own heart, he was.
Hi Michelle. My name is Valerie {nervous wave}, and I'm also a workaholic.
Just popping in to LYK I finally updated my sidebar blogroll thingy and added your magnificent blog... you know, cuz it's just weird to add someone and not tell them, lol. ANYway, I hope you're enjoying your FUN work - I know I'm loving mine!!
I've flipped through "The Ghastlycrumb Tinies" - his artwork is awesome!
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