Without further ado....some inspo if your
Red Velvet kit is still sitting at home, begging to be scrapped with! Ahh...this kit was so full of juicy goodness:

...need to date this page, still...not sure if it's my sister or me, actually, either...lol. I think it's me, cuz that's my lil grover - but we do look awfully alike...
*Edited* (Thanks mom!) It is me..(thought so) in Summer of '86. Yay!

...a little reflection on my tense-but-totally-calm-at-the-same-time personality. People always comment on how calm I am at what should be stressful moments...but I get pretty stressed and tense at times...it's odd. I am easygoing. I am tense. Hmm. Maybe its all in my head and I look just fine on the outside...who knows! lol...
And a mini I made with the coasters in the kit:

...I have yet to add a load of journalling into it, as all the backs of the pages are blank and waiting for words, but I thought I'd share the base of the lil book, anyway! =) I had a binder ring sitting around so I used that to clip it all together - love those things!
...please scuse the horrid lighting that happens after dark...lol...and I truly, truly wish I had time to make some lovely cards with the scraps I have leftover. =) Whee! Thanks for being so understanding in my post-second-job craziness, Rachel! I'm so happy to be getting back to my scrappy projects.
Still play a little bit of catch-up. Some projects sneaking up on me for June, now that the month is half over - Egad! When did that happen??...and, of course, there are lots of just-for-fun things I want to do, too. (always...) Some embroidery practice:

I learned some basic stitches on the weekend using these fabulous
Crafty Daisy lessons I found via google search. Yay for the internet - sometimes I am way too net dependent. lol...but in this case, it's totally helpful! Anyway, it goes over the basic stitches and has some example projects (scroll to the bottom for lesson one). Pretty cool..easy peasy for me cuz cross-stitching was my forte' for a while.
Sublime Stitching also has a cool "
How-to", not to mention the amazing awesome embroidery patterns...(sigh)...I've been able to resist buying so far, but its not going to hold for long!
Anyway, shopping and other not-fun-hosuework-like-stuff still needs to be done around here, it's neverending...the digi kit is not up in the boutique yet, but I'll post it when it is. =) Happy day and thanks for reading my rambles!
PS - Michelle this is you - September 1986, we were at the animal farm in OkFalls with my second cousins from Holland who were visiting.
It was a very hot sunny day and you were a real trooper.
Very awesome!! I learned how to embroider from a Sublime Stitching kit. :)
Oh Michelle, I love what you have done with the RVA kit. I haven't even opened mine yet. Thanks for the inspiration. I haven't tried embroidery yet, but I'm hankering to do it. I've never seen Craft Daisy, so thanks for the link. I loved all the detailed instructions with the pictures. Sweet! I hope you have a great day!
Oooh. Love that mini! Beautiful stuff, Michelle!
Love the RVKC goodies you made! So beautiful! And that embroidering is coming along.
I love this stuff Michelle!! Your work just makes me smile - your so good!! :]
gorgeous projects!!!
i'm like in love with your LOs. like, i would seriously make clothes out of them and wear them if i could. [i think i'm more tired than i thought i was... because i just sounded psycho...]
i looove your rva layouts!!
Love how you made the leftover chipboard piece into a frame (I guess that's what that pink thing is, with the photo and embellishments inside...?). Oh and the mini is just awesome. You'd better post the completed photos because I need some inspiration for how to journal on printed papers and YOU ma'am, are my trusted source.
Are things starting to slow down yet, now that you don't have 400 jobs at once? :) And any news on the Permanent Residence situation???
Yay -- I'm glad you posted your embroidery! :) It's been such a long time since I've attempted it...you may be inspiring me to pick it back up. :)
Gorgeous pages from the RV kit!
I think its soooo adorable your mom reads and comments on your blog!
"hello michelle's mom!!" (waves!!!)
the rv stuff looks super yummee makes me wish i bought a kit :/
Thanks for the stitching links:)
mmmm.... love all this yummyiness!!
I really keep meaning to try embroidery, it's on the ever growing todo list!
i'm so internet dependent too... I really have no idea if I should worry about that or not, lol!
Hi Michelle--
Love the layouts. I especially love the mini coaster album. I am going to make one 2NITE-- I still have most of my kit sitting on my desk at home!
Do you use acrylic stamps for your words? I've seen them on a couple of layouts and I like the look!
That message from your mom is so sweet :D
Love the layouts,so you!
your creations are really gorgeous !
WOW!! YOu rocked this kit!! LOVE the layouts!!!!
ps...thanks for the sewing link!!!
LOVE those Red Velvet LO's! And, I don't know how you've been able to resist the patterns at Sublime Stitching...I have stack of 'em. Now, if I could actually get some time to use them...
wow- creative explosion, huh?? Lovin the mini :)
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