Monday, April 07, 2008

Hello, hello!

....just a quick post that I forgot to post last week:I have to say thanks to the lovely Peach Tree for putting me in this spring-inspired treasury...can you spot it? And just look at all the yummy Pastel finds!! Awesome! You can see the list of what else is featured here on the Peach Tree Blog. Also, there are some inspiring featured artists over there you might wanna check out..lovely! I'm totally missing Etsy this week, I've been busy and internet MIA...weeeird. I still have yet to figure out most Etsy things like showcases and Treasury details, but it'll come! Just got a load of envelopes in the mail today, which means I can get some paper tags and cards I designed printed and up to go, soon! yay! Still drawing, I'm super-behind at the moment...I can share some goodies on the blog this week so stay tuned!! =) Hope everyone is great!


Bekka said...

I spotted it! Love that card! Can't wait to see what you have in store this week! :)

Oh, check out my blog...doing a giveaway this week...some feltie things...not as intricate as your stuff, but it's a start! :)

Christina Carnoy said...

sounds like you are a very busy lizzy...what exactly do you sell on Etsy???

Jessica said...

that's awesome! congrats!

i wanted to ask, do you use a tablet for your drawings (for the computer)? if so, what do you have or what would you recommend. i'm looking to get one soon. :)


Anonymous said...

yay for getting the recognition you so deserve!!! I can't wait to see Michelle stuff and hope your week is great, too!

xx, Amber

Michelle said...

Yay! So pretty. Congrats.

ThePeachTree said...

Hey you there! Thanks for the nod in the Peach direction :) Amber is right! You deserve this recognition and SO much more!

Holly said...

That's so cool! Big congrats to're smokin' lately! Geez...I have so much to catch up on. I'm so behind on blog land. I've been MIA from the computer lately too.