I have so so many ideas whirling in my head for my etsy that I don't even know where to start!!...lol...I have visions of whales and prints and tags. I am now obsessed with the idea of getting a scanner..which I've wanted for a while, and which will make it waaaay easier for me to design things I want to design...because I'm a stickler for clean lines, and I can do that waaaay easier using a pencil and not my trusty wacom pen. At work, I draw with the line tool in Flash, so it's how I've been doing things now..but it seems insanely slow compared to my drawing speed!! Anyways, gonna get a scanner. Using the birthday as an excuse..he he...so fun. There needs to be more time in a day, doesn't there?? I'm dying to sew some things...must make a trip to Michaels this weekend and stock up on supplies!
oh, and check this out!! (click "number one") I was super excited last night when I saw the post he he....yay! I had so much fun making that page, it's not even funny...Still thinking about my word for this year....hmm. Also still contemplating Overlooked...don't wanna jump in if I don't think I can commit to it, ya know? silly, yes. Maybe I'll digi scrap them or something...hmm.
Anyways, happy day!!
Thank you guys so much for all the cute comments yesterday!! Made me smile this morning..he he =)
That chicken is so cute. Pirate chickens sounds so funny. I love it. You should join on overlooked. I think its an opportunity to really think about things you normally wouldn't. SO happy for your win. You HAVE to take pictures of what oyu get. Yay for scanners. I have a crappy all in one. Don't get one of those. I always got to school when I have to scan something...Doesn't work when they are closed for winter break...
Awww...I heart it, too! :)
Love the chicken - and congrats on the contest!!!
Always inspiring.
I am so in love with all of your work!!! and your blog is so much fun. Congrats with the contest win. I saw that last night =)
Of course you won! That's an awesome layout!! What did you win?? oh and....YOU NEED TO MAKE MORE OF THAT CHICKEN!! I want one! LOL
The little chicken is absolutely adorable!
I agree, we need more time in a day. I cant wait till you open your etsy shop!:) I'll definitely be a loyal customer:)
btw I never had the chance to congratulate on your wedding with Z....CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!
u both are adorable together:)
I truly wish you both the best life has to offer:)
oh wow, your dollies have been absolutely amazing!!! I have loved all of them!! I am just starting to learn how to make something like that. a bit nervous to get started but I so want to make cute things. I also have a bag full of felt here *grin*.
Super cute Chicken, super cute I say (said in a not so good foghorn leghorn voice!!! lol)
pirate chickens definitely = way cool.
congrats on the evolve LO I loved that one.
Oh my I love the chicken is it for me? LOL! I love it its sooo cute! You rock my dear. As for the word i still dont have one either but Im thinking sustain lol! And as for overlooked im doing it but not saying im doing it..hehehe!
chicken is super cute and congrats on winning elsie's challenge! :)
I WANT to see this etsy !!!
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