Tuesday, December 04, 2007


I forgot to mention how excited I am about Sweeney Todd!!! It comes out later this month, I think...Johnny Depp + Tim Burton + Helena Bonham Carter = (sigh)...so excited for the morbidnessof this one! he he...

...I think that's all to blog bout this morning....there is no work for me to do at work...so I've been catching up on the net to-do's and blogs (yay!) Z broke the couch accidently last night, so I'm thinking about how we will fix it....and wanting to make crafty things....and wondering what I did before the wonderful invention that is gmail...it seriously rocks! Why didn't I sign up sooner?? Happy that Jim got a blog up for our Beard of Moose team.....yay, Jim! Loving the pictures so far...Can't believe there's like 20 days til Christmas, which means less than 20 days of work left.....yikes! That's a lil scary....gotta get to the job search once again (I feel like I'm always posting about the job searching....lol) Umm...I'm beyond obsessed with Flickr and dying to test out some editing...so I might just go do that on my lunch hour. =) Happy day, all!!


Christina C. said...

oooh. thank you so much for the pretty eye candy today. Love me that Johnny Depp. Have you seen the preview? The one where he sings? Swoon.

Good luck with the job hunt!

Holly said...

Gotta' love g-mail, huh? I'm so glad that I signed up! And, I absolutely cannot wait for Sweeney Todd to come out either! Might just have to spring for a babysitter so that I can see that one in the theatre.

Valley Girl said...

Me, too!!!

Michelle said...

Very cool! That looks like a fun movie. I don't know why i keep thinking of A series of Unfortunate Events...

I know about the job hunting thing. Believe me! I found more jobs in Canada related to animation then anywhere else.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh me too!!!!! I love that combo! I mean Tim Burton is the freakin best! And Johnny Depp is pure eye candy the fact that he is a great actor only adds to it. I love Helena she is awesome! I love me some thriller/horror/morbid movies lol!

Unknown said...

i cant wait for sweeney todd to come out either! i like the beard of moose blog too :)

Vee said...

I want to see it too!! so love me some Johnny D in any form even if he is a serial killer in this movie. :(