Woop! Dere it is...The first Scrapmojo challenge is up! I wasn't sure if I liked this one so much while I was doin it, but it's alright...he he....there's my Z with his super big moustache (everyone said he looks like Borat with it..ha ha) anyways, le moustache is not so funny and curly now, anyways....The challenge is to use the quote from Dirty Dancing, and make your own felt embellie...sooo..I made a skull (who woulda guessed? lol..) and doodled the stripes on Z's shirt....Oh! And the first sponsor for the challenge is Red Velvet Kits (seriously, one of my fave kits ever!!) Oh! And I made the cut for round 2 of Last Scrapper standing.....my brain is a-churning with the new topic: 7 random facts...SO, for some practice some mini randoms:
1. I never eat that wrinkly end piece on a block of cheese. Never. I throw it out.
2. Once when I was 5, I swung on a swing on my belly pretending I was the eagle from "The Rescuer's Down Under" and *splat* into a mud puddle on my face...
3. I think Dave Mathews' "Crash" is the sexiest song there is...or Incubus' "I Miss You".
4. I want to do/be a billion "things": a bookbinder, a poetry writer, etc...Kowing me, I will probably change careers in 10 years. So excited! lol..change is good!
5. I lived in like at least 11 different houses growing up, but I am so thankful because it made me not scared to try new things and go to new places. (thanks mum..he he) =)
6. When I was 16, a palm reader read my hand and said I would have 3 kids and sleep with a lot of foreign men..ha ha...but seriously, I don't even hold babies. So I think she was wrong.
7. Right now, I'm eating an apple-pear, redering my demo reel, message-board posting, uploading scrappy pages, and listening to tunes. And this is my relaxing lunchbreak..ha ha...
Otay..enough random for one day...=) And, yay! Long weekend for us Canadians! And I have some drive to create (I did nothing last night - passed out on the couch for an 8:30 nap last night and watched a movie with Z) and a meeting on Tuesday that I need my reel for...nothin like that to get my stuff finished...happy day!
ah michelle i LOVE that skull!!!
and did you notice that there seems to be one mojo girl square with a question mark over it? i wonder who that is going to.
*cough cough* *wink wink* *say no more*
HAHA Michelle ... Marihootay (sp?) that was like the funniest thing in the world
Wow!! I love your style, that layout is awesome!! Love the felt cut outs too!! Soo cool!
OMG, as a Dirty Dancing fan, I am in love with that first pic! You rock!!!
That LO is great! And, your randoms are so fun. :0)
LOLOL sleep with a lotta men...thats a fun fortune (except for the babies part)
ur first mojo LO rocked!
Beautiful lo! I love the @ sign for the eye. Super cute! How funny that all of my friends read your blog now. I guess that's what happens when you're a mojo girl!
Hope you get to scrap soon and good luck with your meeting!
love those random facts about you! youre so funny! LOVE that layout too!!
GREAT layout, and thanks for the cool Scrap Mojo site! I can't wait to do some challenges!
Great layout! And thanks for the Scrapmojo site, I can't wait to see try out some challenges in the future!
I think I landed here through Jill D's blog? Not sure! Just had to tell you I saw this layout and thought "omg!! I LOVE IT!" (Dirty Dancing Fan ;)
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