In love with the Feist song (which is surprising, I never used to like her much)...and also Ingrid Michaelson's "The Way I Am" (that song from the Old Navy sweater commercial, yes...soo good...I'm still gonna change some linky's and things around here...but this is it for now! ahhh...
Got up yesterday earlyish to work on my portfolio, and am proud to say the portfolio is seconds away from being done...just have to upload my films, make a business card, burn dvds of my work and get it all printed...who-ho! Will share a link to the new site tommorrow! What else? Hmm...Oh yeah! Check out ScrapMojo...wink wink...there's fun to be had contest-wise over there, and peekies coming tommorrow!

Scrapmuse also has an awesome contest for September (go to the message boards, there are contest deets under the "September challenges" thread"...Yesterday we hunted around downtown here for a desk for Z, cuz he's been doing his freelance animation work from the coffee table, which really we found a huge metal Ikea number like 8 blocks away and grudgingly lugged it all the way home...this morning, to my surprise, we managed to squash it into the little apartment! Yay! So happy he can have his own little space now...he's awesome! Also...dun dun dun....

...finally saw this!! Omigosh..I've been dying to see it, and we rented it last night...kahlua + ice cream + knocked up = happy was soooo cute! And especially, I loved it cuz Bill...

...Bill from "Freaks and Geeks" (the best show ever...that they should never have cancelled) rocks my world...he he. Naw, but he is a funny dude...(he's the guy in "Knocked Up" with the beard...)
...Sooo...that was my went-by-way-too-fast-as-usual weekend...still tons to do, but it feels so good to have some major stuff crossed off my list and still have had time to hang with my guy...=) So excited about the Reese's Pieces cereal we bought today..good tunes I found...The pigs in a blanket (a la' Pillsbury) we're having for supper tonight (yes, it's my turn to "cook"..ha ha)...what can I say, I'm easy to please...he to chill out, catch up on a scrapping deadline, get ready for this week...
Hope everyone had a cool weekend! Happy night!
love the new look...change is a good feeling, huh? And I love that Old Navy sweater song, just didn't know who sang it so thanks for clueing me in. ;)
My J and I watched Knocked Up Friday night....I laughed so hard. It was a great way to end a hectic week.
New header is really cool! I wanna see that movie so bad.
Love the new look and so glad Z has his desk now. It is amazing what you can squeeze in.
Hope you guys have a great week!!
The new look is great! Congrats on the scrapmojo dt! I thought it was great that Knocked up had so many characters from Freaks & Geeks. It was such a reunion movie!
i love the feist song as well...though it isn't usually the type of music i would fall in love with. gotta love little musical commercials!
the blog looks wonderful I plan on doing some oogling (?) after i say hi.
HI. :)
the new blog looks great.
Congrats on the Scrap Mojo team.
I just bought knocked up, I just watched it this weekend, im so glad you love it too! :) I just might pop it in the dvd player again while i scrap tonight... :)
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